Ngā whakawhitinga tuatahi

First transitions into ECE

What works?

Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini.

I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts, talents and strengths of my family, tribe and ancestors.

- Here Huata (Ngāti Kahungunu).

Pēpi often arrive in ECE services before their first birthday and come with well-established rhythms of knowing, doing and being from home. Taking time to generate positive āhua that contributes to the wairua of the space and relationships with pēpi and their whānau are central to this first transition so that feelings are acknowledged and individual preferences are upheld at all phases of the process.

To help you best support both pēpi and whānau in this first transition, we have outlined some things to think about and implement before the first day, on the day itself and after the first day.

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It’s āhua, it’s not a language, it’s a feeling… you know you feel that, it’s like coming home, you know when you come home and you just feel (makes a breathy, relaxed sound)… it’s a feeling in yourself… it’s a feeling that, so you can learn, you’re not going to learn if you’re scared, it you’re not comfortable, you’re not happy, you’re not free to do and explore”

- Parent, Immersion ECE

Mōhiotanga: Before the first day

Mātauranga: During the first day

Māramatanga: After the first day

Resources for further reading

  • * White, E.J., Hansen, K., Hawkes, K., Redder, B., Lord, W., Perks, N. (2018). Key teaching (primary caregiving?) practices during infant transitions to ECEC in Aotearoa New Zealand. The First Years: Ngā Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, 20(2), 5-14.

  • White, E. J., Westbrook, F., Hawkes, K., Lord, W., & Redder, B. (2021). (In)visible perceptions of objects (‘things’) during early transitions: Intertwining subjectivities in ECEC. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood,

  • White, E. J., Marwick, H., Amorim, K., Rutanen, N., & Herold, L (Eds.) (2022). First transitions to early childhood education and care: Culturally responsive approaches to the people, places, environments and ideologies of earliest care encounters across six countries. In Policy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds: Cross-disciplinary Insights and Innovations series. Springer.