The information on this website draws inspiration from an International Study of the Social and Emotional Experience of Transition (ISSEET) that sets out to understand early transitions to ECE for infants, toddlers and young children in many parts of the world.

Find out who was involved, below.

Watch this space for future publications and resources arising from this international group, and their teams.

  • White, E. J., Marwick, H., Amorim, K., Rutanen, N., & Herold, L (Eds.) (2022, in press). First transitions to early childhood education and care: Culturally responsive approaches to the people, places, environments and ideologies of earliest care encounters across six countries. In Policy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds: Cross-disciplinary Insights and Innovations series. Springer.

  • White, E. J., Rutanen, N., Marwick, H., Amorim, K. S., Karagiannidou, E., & Herold, L. K. M. (2020). Expectations and emotions concerning infant transitions to ECEC: International dialogues with parents and teachers. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(3), 363–374.

  • Gradovski, M., Ødegaard, E. E., Rutanen, N., Sumsion, J., Mika, C., & White, E. J. (2019). The first 1000 days of early childhood: Becoming. Springer.

  • Rutanen, N., Amorim, K. de S., Marwick, H., & White, E. J. (2018). Tensions and challenges concerning ethics on video research with young children—Experiences from an international collaboration among seven countries. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3(1), 7.